To Deal With Job Hunting Frustration
If you're over 50, there's a good chance you're out of work,
have been out of work, or soon will be out of work. And if you’re currently job
searching, your job search will likely take much longer than your younger
Because you’re over 50!
The sad reality in today’s world is that older employees are
not valued for their skills and experience. Instead, they’re viewed as
expendable, no longer reliable, unable to keep up, unable to learn new
technologies or new ways of doing things.
It’s not true, but it is frustrating.
So how do you respond to this frustration?
Have a plan and keep working that plan.
This means keep moving forward. Keep looking for the right
opportunity. Keep networking. Don’t give up. Stay active. Go the the gym. Take
lessons. Take up a new hobby. Join a club. Volunteer your time to help others.
In other words, stay busy.
The death knell for job hunters over 50 is when they get so
frustrated that they give up. The situation starts to look hopeless and
depression sets in. They become upset, sad, angry, mad, worried, and then they
give up.
Don’t do that!
While your career path may seem to be out of your control,
the reality is that how things turn out is still up to you.
Don’t give up or give in. Instead, reinvent yourself. Learn
a new skill. Change careers. Take a part-time job. Start a business.
In other words, do something. Or even do something
The reality is that by following your plan and staying
active, your ability to focus and concentrate will continue and your job
search, while frustrating, will not bog you down as much, so you’ll be able to consider
and look at new and different opportunities. You may even discover new career
paths that you had never previously considered before.
Trust me, I’ve been there. Your time will come, and when it
does, you need to be ready.
It will get better. You will survive.
And when it does, you’ll be stronger than ever.
And by the way, although this article is targeted at those
over 50, this advice applies to anyone who is job hunting.
© 2019 – Richard Hatheway, Catalyst Strategic Marketing
All rights reserved