In order for your business to be successful, your Sales and
Marketing departments must work together. Unfortunately, that often is easier
said than done. To help, here are three simple tips to make it easier:
1) Get a commitment from BOTH the Sales and Marketing
leadership that alignment is a priority, Have them communicate that message to
both organizations, as top-down leadership like this will help drive procedural
changes to make it happen.
2) Schedule a regular call between Sales and Marketing for
each organization to update the other. Provide updates on activities, accounts,
requirements, problems, delays, etc.
3) Allow Marketing to take part in regularly
occurring Sales meetings when/where possible and vice-versa. This provides each
with insight into what the other organization really needs from the other.
BONUS TIP: Make sure that Marketing clearly
understands the Sales goals and objectives, as that helps Marketing ensure
their activities will align with and support Sales.
By following these simple tips, Sales and Marketing
will become more aligned, resulting in more efficient organizations leading to increased
© 2019 – Richard Hatheway, Catalyst Strategic Marketing
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